The miniguides can be downloaded from our site: to do so, click on the images.
Each of the seven Owl Paths walks is the subject of an illustrated mini-guide describing its route and the remarkable elements that can be discovered. By clicking on the corresponding thumbnail, you can download it in pdf format, to consult it on your personal computer equipment, or even print it for private use. With all the ergonomic advantages of digital publishing: hyperlinks giving access to the educational panels or to the websites of the route’s partners; content that can be zoomed in for optimum readability, etc.
As indicated by a warning banner on the title page, some of these mini guides are currently being re-edited, both to update the data to reflect the latest local situations and to optimise the technical structure. A miniguide marked in this way can still be consulted and downloaded, but it is still an old version, simply reproducing its original printed edition, and therefore containing partly out-of-date information. In general, moreover, we invite you to pay attention to the date of the last edition indicated on each copy, to take into account the reliability of its content, for which we cannot assume responsibility. The vagaries of time may render it obsolete without our knowledge, despite our regular updating efforts.